
Showing posts from December, 2013

Life with Lana

I’m typing this post one handed as I wait for my love to fall asleep.  Two weeks ago I couldn’t get this girl up to eat… but she seems to be exiting the newborn state and getting a little more oomph in her.  She’s still a great sleeper… most nights only waking once to eat.  Rising for the day around 6:30, which is early, but Kaelyn isn’t far behind her so it works for us. Sweet Kaelyn is talking ALL the time these days.  I swear she adds a new word to her vocabulary every day.  Shoes, brush, cup, bless you, welcome, baby, Sally, and the list could go on and on.  She is the best big sister.  She loves Lana… though still refuses to hold her.  She helps me change diapers.   And is very diligent about making sure a paci is in Lana’s mouth at all times, even when Lana doesn’t want it there.  Would never take a paci as a baby… now look at her! Looks like KK is doing a wresting move here… but no worries… no babies were harmed in this picture!  Thanksgiving was wonderfu