
Showing posts from May, 2015

Appreciating: April Showers

April was a hodge-podge of weather.  There were quite a few April showers… so we found our fun inside when necessary.  Then, when the skies cleared… we headed where else but out favorites… the playground and beach.  Lana spends her indoor time standing on couches, tables, ottomans... and pretty much anything else you can think of.  Her vocabulary is growing by leaps and bounds.  The favorite phrase these days is... thank you.  Seriously may be the cutest thing to ever enter your ears.  She says it all day long... but totally at the right moment. I contribute her sister to her expanded vocabulary, they spend the day in conversation.  Lana has followed suit to her sister in the waking morning hours... "watch a show!"  followed by... "Calliou."  Lord help us. Kaelyn's indoor fun consists of puzzles.  It blows my mind how quickly she can assemble a 24-piece puzzle.  No joke she is faster than her father and I.  She is also a master of getting herself dres