
Showing posts from September, 2015

September Scenes

We decided to forgo the big birthday bash for Lana this year.   She will be turning two in a month or so and this is the one birthday, in my opinion, that we can get away with no party.   A first birthday is a necessity; it is their first birthday after all, and from three on out, birthdays will be remembered and talked about, just ask my current three year old. Instead we decided to take the almost two year old to Busch Gardens to celebrate early.   We rounded up family from both ends and spent a disgustingly hot day in the Tampa theme park.   The day was pretty much a disaster from the start- long lines, hot weather and crowds, locked out of our stroller-literally had the security bring a crowbar and still unable to get our damn lock off- to our two girls not being able to explore one attraction because of the constant down pour of rain- it was not how we imagined her birthday being celebrated.   Thankfully we now own season passes so I see a re-do in our near