
Showing posts from January, 2016

Gina the II

We had a code red this weekend while visiting Fort Myers... Gina went M.I.A.  For those of you who are unaware, Gina is Lana's giraffe.  Been there since she was a wee little thing.  At one point I shoved Gina in my shirt in hopes of my "scent" rubbing off on her so Lana would learn to sleep independently.  Eventually this crazy science worked and Gina has yet to leave Lana's side.  Attached is an understatement, Lana literally carries her around in her mouth. Not sure what happened to that damn giraffe, but at some point between Hobby Lobby, Target, and Sweet Tomatoes Gina decided she had had enough of being treated like a dog toy.  There is still the chance that she is clinging to life in one of Cassie's closets, although we tore her newly moved into house apart looking for that animal. Surprisingly Lana took to a loaner giraffe supplied by her cousin Grace who also has a slight obsession with giraffes.  This became abruptly apparent when looking for Gina in

An Outdoor Winter

The cold has finally arrived here in Florida... at least the kind of weather that requires us to break out our long sleeves and jackets.  We have been taking full advantage of the chill with a little outside time... it's just to hard to stay indoors.  The last week has brought outdoor adventures in the form of... Afternoon Strolls "flower" picking- aka, gathering weeds from our neighbor's yards and bringing them home  Park Adventures Animal Watching Our temperatures are warming just a bit in the next day or so.  We are looking forward to the many outdoor excursions ahead.

Good-Bye 2015

Happy New Year!  We actually stayed awake long enough this year to say good-bye to 2015.  We even made it out which I don't think has happened since we had our two beauties.  You better believe the minute that clock hit midnight we were hailing the first Uber driver available to get us home.  This was mainly due to Kaelyn being awoken by the barrage of fireworks and not being able to settle until she had her mama passed out in her bed. We said good-bye to Nonnie yesterday after a week and a half of time together.  We were able to celebrate Christmas and say hello to the New Year together and it was oh so special.  Aunt Kelly and Ethan also joined in on the fun for a few days. Nonnie brought all of these presents We watched our tree, Dingo (Kaelyn named him), be hauled off yesterday and have taken down the last twinkling light.  We didn't let the year and the warm weather leave us without a final trip to our favorite spot. We were having a dead fish