
Showing posts from September, 2016

A Trip to the Aquarium (that we took almost a month ago)

With the school year in full swing we are busy and this little blog space of mine sometimes has to take a back seat.  But in the spirit of catching up… here’s the past month summed up. We went to Tampa to celebrate Labor Day and instead of the usual trip to Busch Gardens, we explored the aquarium.   We all had the best time and the girls loved the fishies… Lana a little more the curious, hands-on learner as Kaelyn was the quiet observer.   Aunt Kelly, never one to disappoint her nieces- honored Kaelyn’s request to make face cookies and gathered up all the ingredients to make two very happy little ladies. The biggest doozy for us this month was the announcement that we will be adding a little brother to our troop.   We are over the moon excited and though the girls were insistent they wanted a little sister- they are coming around quite nicely and are eagerly agreeing to help with the care of their new brother- inclu