

Hey December, slow down already.  How are we 11 days from Christmas?! The month is flying by but we are crossing off our bucket list and attempting to fit all the holiday happenings in that we can possibly manage between school, dance, travels.... the list goes on.  The girls and I went to The Nutcracker Ballet for the third year now.   It has turned into an annual tradition that we look forward to every year.   After we get home our living room is transformed into a stage and these two put on quite the performance.   In typical Florida fashion, our weather is all over the place.   One day we are bundled up and the next we are at the beach.   Our visit to Santa was uneventful.     Gabe didn’t freak out but definitely wasn’t so sure about Santa.   He let us get our picture then hopped right off his lap.   Kaelyn realized she forgot to tell Santa about a few things so made sure to fill him in before our time was up.  

I’m Back! (at least for now)

I may have taken an almost two-year hiatus from this blog space but I’m really going to give it a go and try to keep it at least somewhat current.   Three kids have given me a run for my money , especially when my youngest never.   ever.   stops.   I’d like to one day backtrack with the millions of photos I have but we shall see. We can hardly contain our excitement for the month of December which is just a few days away.   We spent the last week decking the halls inside with big plans for Daddy to take care of the outside this weekend.   The tree has been decorated and I just can’t handle the girls and their excitement to look at each and every ornament and remember where it came from and the precious memories attached.   Gabe chipped in on the trimming of the tree and we managed to escape without one broken ornament.   He still likes to pull them off here and there but we tried to keep the breakable ones out of reach.   Here’s hoping he will practice

Kaelyn Turns Five: A Party at Chuck E. Cheese

Five is no joke.  There will be so many changes ahead for my first born and I know with certainty that she is ready for them all.  She is smart, sassy, kind, creative and most of all she is my Kaelyn.  I love the person she is and the person she is becoming.  I have told her time and time again that she is not allowed to turn five.  I don't know how it happened but it is quite bittersweet.  She is such a beautiful little girl but she is still my baby.  Always and forever.  She decided this year she wanted her party at Chuck E. Cheese.  Normally I would cringe at the thought of this, but considering we will have a new addition to our family in the next two weeks- this seemed like a fantastic idea. My girl is like me in so many ways.  She possesses the same childhood fears- huge, walking, animals is one of them.  So when the one and only Chuck E.  came out to pay her a special visit- she wanted him no where near her.  The kid wouldn'