Kaelyn Turns Five: A Party at Chuck E. Cheese

Five is no joke.  There will be so many changes ahead for my first born and I know with certainty that she is ready for them all.  She is smart, sassy, kind, creative and most of all she is my Kaelyn.  I love the person she is and the person she is becoming. 

I have told her time and time again that she is not allowed to turn five.  I don't know how it happened but it is quite bittersweet.  She is such a beautiful little girl but she is still my baby.  Always and forever. 

She decided this year she wanted her party at Chuck E. Cheese.  Normally I would cringe at the thought of this, but considering we will have a new addition to our family in the next two weeks- this seemed like a fantastic idea.

My girl is like me in so many ways.  She possesses the same childhood fears- huge, walking, animals is one of them.  So when the one and only Chuck E.  came out to pay her a special visit- she wanted him no where near her.  The kid wouldn't even look at him.  His feelings weren't too hurt as some of the party guests, sister included, participated in his fun.

My "baby" is getting older and that's ok.  She is so special in so many ways and the light she brings to this world is one that will never fade.  Her independence is soaring- I witness it everyday as she slowly takes on more responsibility.  Helping her little sis out, taking care of Ziggy, and most recently- hopping on her bike sans training wheels and taking off.  Oh how I lover her so.


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