
Showing posts from September, 2013

Oh, Sit!

I could play the blame game as to why I haven’t posted in what my mother says has been over a month…  pregnancy aka exhaustion, busy busy with little Miss K, traveling, etc. but I think I have just been unmotivated.  There has been so much to do around here and Baby girl’s due date is right around the corner and I really just want to cherish these last months with my only child.  With that being said… I am sitting here, it’s 8 o’clock on a Saturday night, just finished watching my ‘Noles kick some bootie, and I am already ready to hit the hay.  So, I will post some pics of pretty girl from the last month or so and call it a night.  And for those of you curious about the title… my 18 month old is talking a lot these days.  Sometimes we know what she is saying, and sometimes we do not.  A few weeks ago Braxton sneezed and Kaelyn said, “Bless You.”  And we were like.. Oh My Gosh.  Then probably ten minutes later she was helping me pour Ziggy his breakfast, because she is the best