
Showing posts from October, 2014

Fall in Florida (or the lack of...)

We're stuck in between seasons here... loving  Fall and participating in all the Fall Fun we can handle... but suffering due to Florida being stubborn and not giving us the Fall weather we are so craving. We are striking back and pretending the crispness of Fall has arrived.  Park play dates, pumpkin patches, and Boo at the Zoo... boo-ya Florida. Kaelyn may have found a new best bud but so has her sis.  Lana and Katelyn can't wait to see each other, grab a snack, and relax and watch their older siblings live it up.  In the not so far off future I'm certain it will be these two running around without a care in the world. In the meantime, Kaelyn and Luke will be having all the fun.  These two chase each other all over the playground, run down the boardwalk like they are being chased, and follow it up with a nap in the grass. Sweating it up at the Pumpkin Patch... aka... church parking lot.  I love Florida and wouldn't change living here


As I sit here, drinking my pumpkin spice creamer (with a splash of coffee) and munching some pumpkin bread I’m trying to tie my jumble of pictures together into a post that makes some sort of sense… and pretty much getting nowhere.   It’s been a bit chaotic around here… not really sure why… but can’t seem to bring the focus in to get a blog post done.   So with the focus thrown out the window, here is what we have been up to lately... Tara paid us a visit not to long ago and we got to   meet her little beauty, Priya.   Love that girl as does my Kaelyn. Smart girl... knows the best team in college football!  (thanks for the photo bomb Josh!)   We may have a little volunteer fire fighter on our hands… as long as she doesn’t have to hold onto the hose too tight.  For Kaelyn’s first birthday we got her a bike trailer that we cruised around in all of three times in Jupiter and haven’t touched since… until now.   We live super close to a beautiful p