
As I sit here, drinking my pumpkin spice creamer (with a splash of coffee) and munching some pumpkin bread I’m trying to tie my jumble of pictures together into a post that makes some sort of sense… and pretty much getting nowhere. 

It’s been a bit chaotic around here… not really sure why… but can’t seem to bring the focus in to get a blog post done.  So with the focus thrown out the window, here is what we have been up to lately...

Tara paid us a visit not to long ago and we got to meet her little beauty, Priya.  Love that girl as does my Kaelyn.

Smart girl... knows the best team in college football!  (thanks for the photo bomb Josh!)

 We may have a little volunteer fire fighter on our hands… as long as she doesn’t have to hold onto the hose too tight. 

For Kaelyn’s first birthday we got her a bike trailer that we cruised around in all of three times in Jupiter and haven’t touched since… until now.  We live super close to a beautiful park that we have been biking to once or twice a week.

MMMM... bark!

Peanut butter is much tastier!

Don't look so happy Lana

Kaelyn has a new bestie… man does she love herself some Luke.  Which works out fabulously because his mom is great and he also a sister Lana’s age so we all get together usually twice a week.  Those two are pretty much inseparable… except for the first five minutes where they still play coy.

My sweet littlest boo is almost one… I seriously cannot get a handle on that.  How has it been a year already?!?   I will probably not be blogging anytime soon as there is much to do to prepare the celebration for my little love who, with her sister,  has made our life complete.  

What?!?  One already!?!


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