
Showing posts from June, 2013

Gotta Wear Shades

Things have slowed down here a bit... summer has officially begun.  It's already in the 90's most days... and bright as can be out.  Thankfully, baby girl has her shades.  And man oh man does she love to rock them.  Every time we put them on her this weekend, she would strike her little diva face.  She knows she is one cool chick.   I think my girl is developing a love for accessories... just like her mama.  Not only does she like her glasses... she is constantly bringing mommy and daddy her shoes to wear.  Yesterday she already had one pair on and wanted a second pair put over it.  And today as we were getting a little sunshine at the lake, her hat flew off and she started whining until I put it back on her little head.   As she was showing off yesterday leaving church, the family behind us was commenting on how cute she was... and the mom was telling her older daughter how she would never wear sunglasses or hair bows.  Like I said...a superstar in training.  She was ev

Daddy Blogs!!!

I had a wonderful Father’s Day weekend with Kristin and Kaelyn! Yesterday we took Kaelyn to Loggerhead Marine Life Center to check out the turtles. After that we went to my favorite Mexican restaurant; Rancho Chico for dinner. Today we enjoyed some time relaxing at the beach. There were some small waves so I was wishing I brought my surfboard but I did get to bodysurf some fun ones! The rest of the day has been nice too just spending time with my girls. I love the weekends since I get to spend so much time with them. I’m content even when we’re just lounging around the house. T oday I’m reminded of how Kaelyn has had such a positive effect on my life. It’s fascinating to watch how much she learns and develops with each new day. I have also learned so much from her. In fact there is probably a lot we can all learn from a toddler! Now I’m not trying to get too “deep” or philosophical lol but here are a few observations I’ve made: Kaely

What a Week!

They’re gone.  And I am sad!  We had an awesome week and Brax, KK and I miss them already.  We are so fortunate to have family only a few hours away (not everyone, but half, which is better than none!)  but I wish we could take all the Grandmas and Grandpas and Aunts and Uncles and Cousins spread across the U.S. and move them here!!  I would be a very happy lady! In the meantime, we will have to settle on monthly or so visits, which I will not complain about because we cherish every minute!  We did so much despite the disgusting rain and thunderstorms that hung around pretty much all week.  There was a trip to the beach where Brax finally got to put Kaelyn’s surfboard to use.  She is obviously still too small to take a ride just yet… but cousin Neveah was not.  We hung out and played in the sand (water is still pretty chilly) while Brax and Nev “shredded” those waves. Being an elementary school teacher for eight years, I have visited Lion Country Safari on