Daddy Blogs!!!

I had a wonderful Father’s Day weekend with Kristin and Kaelyn! Yesterday we took Kaelyn to Loggerhead Marine Life Center to check out the turtles. After that we went to my favorite Mexican restaurant; Rancho Chico for dinner. Today we enjoyed some time relaxing at the beach. There were some small waves so I was wishing I brought my surfboard but I did get to bodysurf some fun ones! The rest of the day has been nice too just spending time with my girls. I love the weekends since I get to spend so much time with them. I’m content even when we’re just lounging around the house.

Today I’m reminded of how Kaelyn has had such a positive effect on my life. It’s fascinating to watch how much she learns and develops with each new day. I have also learned so much from her. In fact there is probably a lot we can all learn from a toddler!

Now I’m not trying to get too “deep” or philosophical lol but here are a few observations I’ve made:

  • Kaelyn always lives in the moment. She has no concerns with the past or the future. Kaelyn reminds me to focus on the here and now and enjoy each minute (especially when I’m with her).
  • She smiles all the time and often for no apparent reason. Even if I’m having an awful day I can’t help but cheer up when I see that smile. 
  • Everything is new and fascinating to Kaelyn. One of her favorite things to do now is go on a walk with Kristin and watch the birds and squirrels. She reminds me to take some time out to enjoy the small stuff in life. 
  • Kaelyn has no pre-conceived notion of how she is “supposed” to act. She only knows how to be herself!

I’ve been working hard to try and apply some of these “Kaelynism’s” to my own life.
Happy Father’s Day!


  1. Great bloggin Braxton, maybe you missed your calling in life and also by the way, you are a great Dad! Happy Father's Day!!!!!!

  2. Here's some other words live by: Ride the barrel and get pitted, so pitted.


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