
Showing posts from May, 2014

Pretty Ladies

It’s no wonder why my girls are the beauties they are… have you seen their cousins?!? Riley, Neveah, and Grace are so darn pretty… I feel for their daddies when they get a bit older!    We got to be a part of Nev’s First Communion a weekend or so back.   She looked like a mini-bride in her dress and loved every minute of it.   She even got to wear heels… watch out now!   It happened to be Mother’s Day weekend so I got to be with my mamma and sis, which was pretty awesome.   Last week I finally took the plunge with potty training.   I have felt Kaelyn has been ready for quite some time.. she is demonstrating all the “signs” that “they” say to look for in order to be ready.   I stocked up on undies and “poo” prizes and tossed the diapers.   Well long story short, my girl likes her diapers and is not quite ready to give them up.   It was a long stressful day for both of us and the one thing I do know is that I did not want potty training to be a negative thing… and it tot

Oh, Baby!

As Mother's Day approaches this weekend,  I just can't get over how many of my good friends are now mothers or will be so in the next couple months.  How quickly our lives change… not so long ago (ok, I guess like 10 years, but it sure doesn't seem that long) we were waking up late after a long night of partying.  Now we text one another at 7 in the morning complaining of a headache from a glass or two of wine.  I cannot wait for my best friend Tara to pop that baby of hers out… she's not finding out the sex and it's killing me, though for the record I'm putting my money on a boy.  Possibly Lana's future husband.  This past weekend I went south for Tara's baby shower while the girls stayed home with daddy.  It was so wonderful to celebrate Tara, her hubby, and their soon to be bundle of joy. Love and miss these girls so much! Onesie decorating… Baby Reddy will be stylin' The winning onesie… picked by Tara and Prahlad… nice choice!

6 Months and Loving it!

Guess who has been with us a whopping 6 months?!? That’s right… Miss Lana Belle Carlisle has been on this planet for a whole half a year.  It’s so cliché… but really, where does the time go?  I swear just last week she was nothing more than a little newborn who did nothing but coo, eat, and sleep.  Now we have a baby who insists on rolling over and sleeping on her tummy while hugging her Sammy tight (just like Sissy), who will chow down her sweet potatoes, apples, bananas, and oatmeal like it ain’t no thing, and who loves to put everything, and I mean everything, in her mouth… including the dog. My sweet baby has these rosy cheeks that totally suit her personality.  She is always smiling and happy… rarely fussy or upset.  When she is crying… usually when mommy has laid her down for bed, all it takes is someone coming back into the room for her to go from a cry to a full blown smile.  She is such a faker.  She also has this fake cough she does now.  So darn cu