Happy Birthday Chad
Today, January 25 th , we would be celebrating my brother’s 33 rd birthday. When I think of him passing at the age of twenty, one of the first thoughts that always enters my head is being sad for him that he never reached legal drinking age. I couldn’t wait for this day when I was twenty, but honestly, he probably could have cared less. Chad didn’t get into trouble. He was quiet, kind, responsible, thoughtful, tall, handsome… any mamma’s dream child. Chad lived a peaceful and content life at home with my Mom, Cassie, and Jack. He loved his video games and actually liked his job at Federal Express. Nothing breaks my heart more than not being home with him and my family his last couple years. As the years pass, my memories fade, and that is gut wrenching. I have tried and tried to remember the last time we were together or our last conversation, and both have vanished. I do know the last time we talked over the phone...