
Showing posts from July, 2013

Teaching the Toddler

With the new school year right around the corner, the teacher in me is missing (just a little bit) all the planning and prepping that comes with a new year.  I wouldn't trade being home with Little Miss K for anything in the world... but still get nostalgic at times. So I decided what better way to take all the creative juices that have been bottled up and put them into planning and teaching the most promising and deserving learner out there... my KK.  Obviously I would need some new material as she is not quite ready for a first grade gifted curriculum just yet (but soon!!) so I hit my favorite website out there, Pinterest, and the rest as they say is history. We spent this week focusing on Apples, the Letter A, the number 1, the color red, and circles.  Again... my daughter is not quite 17 months so to me the most important thing with her right now is exposing her to all these concepts and making sure we focus on them just a bit each day.  I'm not trying to raise a baby g

Videos Galore

In case you are not following on Instagram... here are some videos for your viewing pleasure!!

Dancing Queen

I realized today I haven't taken any pics of my precious pookie since we have returned from Tampa... what's the deal?!? So I made up for it and took some random shots today.  Our little girl has turned into a dancing queen... anytime she hears a beat of any sort she starts shaking her groove thing.  It's pretty darn cute if I do say so myself.  My favorite is when she dances with Ellen.  I am trying to catch it on video so I can send it to the show... maybe she will win us a a trip to Cali! Kitchen Before... Kitchen Before... Kitchen After Hurricane Kaelyn Zig at our new doggie park KK at our new doggie park Jammin' out to Mickey Mouse  Nothing super exciting happening these days... just dancing the days away.

Happy Fourth!

We are getting back into the routine of things after a long Fourth of July weekend spent with family in Tampa.   Kaelyn loves being with her family and it’s so evident they love being with her!  Road tripping with "baby" and Sally.  She was SO excited to have them in the car with her! KK didn’t get to see any fireworks… she missed her nap that day and headed to bed bright and early to get ready for the zoo the next day.  Unbelievably she slept through the firework show that was happening right outside the house.  It was awful weather… raining off and on…. but somehow they managed to shoot some off anyways.  We headed to Lowry Park Zoo on Friday morning.  Kaelyn had a grand time checking out the animals and fish.  There was so much to see and do and we just didn’t have the time for it all.  It got pretty darn hot towards the afternoon and KK was becoming a cranky pants as she was past naptime for the second day in a row. We didn't get t