Happy Fourth!

We are getting back into the routine of things after a long Fourth of July weekend spent with family in Tampa.   Kaelyn loves being with her family and it’s so evident they love being with her! 

Road tripping with "baby" and Sally.  She was SO excited to have them in the car with her!
KK didn’t get to see any fireworks… she missed her nap that day and headed to bed bright and early to get ready for the zoo the next day.  Unbelievably she slept through the firework show that was happening right outside the house.  It was awful weather… raining off and on…. but somehow they managed to shoot some off anyways. 

We headed to Lowry Park Zoo on Friday morning.  Kaelyn had a grand time checking out the animals and fish.  There was so much to see and do and we just didn’t have the time for it all.  It got pretty darn hot towards the afternoon and KK was becoming a cranky pants as she was past naptime for the second day in a row. We didn't get to see the whole zoo... but loved the parts we did!

Aunt Kelly loved the goats! 

For some reason I get caught up in family time and slack on the picture taking.  It’s a double-edged sword.  It’s so important to savor every moment… but I kick myself in the rear when I go through the pictures of the trip and realize how many moments I missed capturing.  Thankfully Nonnie is good with the camera so she makes up for some of my failure.  But still… in the future I vow to do better!  We had so much fun and hate when the time comes to an end.  I say it again and again, but so wish KK lived closer to all her family.   Until that time comes, we will continue enjoying the weekends we get to spend with them!

She loved the crib Riley gave her so much she decided to get in it with her babies!

Bath time at The Apples!

Cousin love!

My domestic diva playing with the kitchen Riley and Ethan gave her.  


  1. I can't believe how much she's changed already since we last seen her! I love that baby girl, give her lots of kisses for me!


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