Teaching the Toddler

With the new school year right around the corner, the teacher in me is missing (just a little bit) all the planning and prepping that comes with a new year.  I wouldn't trade being home with Little Miss K for anything in the world... but still get nostalgic at times.

So I decided what better way to take all the creative juices that have been bottled up and put them into planning and teaching the most promising and deserving learner out there... my KK.  Obviously I would need some new material as she is not quite ready for a first grade gifted curriculum just yet (but soon!!) so I hit my favorite website out there, Pinterest, and the rest as they say is history.

We spent this week focusing on Apples, the Letter A, the number 1, the color red, and circles.  Again... my daughter is not quite 17 months so to me the most important thing with her right now is exposing her to all these concepts and making sure we focus on them just a bit each day.  I'm not trying to raise a baby genius (not that it would hurt), but she truly enjoys our learning time each day and I think it's important to start early.

We went to the library and found some books on Apples that we read throughout the week.  She was obsessed with the book, Apples Here!, and really didn't want anything to do with the others.  I could recite the book to you word for word.  She loves flashcard time and I was able to find a set at Barnes and Nobles that included letters, numbers, shapes, and colors... perfecto!!  She also has the Leapfrog Tag Junior that is awesome and will read books to her.  I bought the flashcards that go along with it and they are so cute and I think will really help her in the future as far as learning the sounds that correspond with the letters.  Right now she really just likes to beat the books with the poor dog that is tag junior and turn him off and on because he says her name.  But we're getting there!

We have played with red glowsticks, shaped red play-doh into the letter A, made a stained glass apple, counted apple cut outs, and played apples falling down.  All in all I would say it was a successful week in KK School!

And just when I thought the weather was cooperating this year here in South Florida as it wasn't too hot out... I have changed my thinking.  We went to the park the other morning and holy moly!  It's just so darn humid it's like there is no air to breathe.  So we stayed for about 15 minutes but little girl had a fab time.  She is becoming more independent everyday and was ready to hit the slide head first.

We now anxiously await the arrival of the BFF... Tara!  Cannot wait for her to get here!  We are throwing a baby shower this weekend for another bestie... Brett... and cannot wait for that either!  It's going to be a daddy/daughter weekend as mommy will be spending time with friends, I know both KK and Daddy are super excited to get some quality time together.

And a few photos from the week...

Sleeping Beauty
Jammin' at Story Time

Check out those eyelashes!
 Hope you're looking forward to your weekend as much as I am!!


  1. I miss that crazy cute little girl! Wish we didn't live far from one another, I feel like I miss so much! Kiss KK for me & give #2 a rub for me :)


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