
Showing posts from October, 2013

Pumpkin Patching Part Deux

I am going to keep this short and sweet as I hope to squeeze in a short nap before my little awakes.  Staying up until midnight last night has done a number to this woman who usually is in bed by 9:30.  Totally worth it though... the Seminoles are on fire and I for one couldn't be more excited!! We headed out yesterday morning to a free Fall Festival in our area.  Not only was the festival free... but they were also giving away pumpkins.  How awesome is that?  After our not so wonderful experience last weekend, we were super stoked to leave with two perfect pumpkins!  We didn't even have to fight the crowds for them... though it was hard to get a picture taken without someone photo bombing! Checking out the options Kaelyn preferred the rotting pumpkins Daddy found a winner! Struttin' Pumpkin Pie Funnel Cake... I died and went to heaven! Today we finished up getting ready for baby.  There is now a second car seat in our car... we will see ho

Pumpkin Patch or Disney World?

Keeping with our love of Fall theme... today we decided to make a trip down to Bedner's Farm.  It's about a 40 minute drive from us but the promise of hayrides, corn mazes, a petting zoo, and a true pumpkin patch was just to inviting to pass up. We thought we would get there when it opened 1.)  to avoid the lovely October Florida heat and 2.)  to avoid the crowds.  Ha... little did we know!  The farm is out in the middle of nowhere and about a half mile out we see police cars and cones.  Oh no we think... was there a car accident?  Nope... just hoards of people who had the same idea as we did.  Who knew... it was like pulling up to Disney World.  Seriously... out of control!  Had we not driven the forty minutes to get there, we most definitely would have turned around and visited the church pumpkin patches here in town.   Braxton and I decided we were glad we stayed but will not need to visit again next year.  The hayride was cute... though no hay to be found.  We did g

Fall is Here

I love Fall!  Even though here in South Florida you would have no idea that the season has changed... it feels like a hundred degrees outside!  That will not stop us from doing every fall activity that crosses our path!  We have our Halloween decorations up, have finished off our first pumpkin spice creamer and pumpkin K-Cups, devoured some pumpkin rice krispie treats, and attended our first Harvest Festival... all before October 6th!    As I stated before... I love Fall!! My little sweet pea continues to grow and learn at rapid speeds!  She amazes me everyday!  I am also wondering if she may be getting her "terrible twos" stage done with early.  Girl gives me a run for my money.  And mammas energy is running low these days so it is quite exhausting.  With less than 4 weeks before her new sister arrives... I'm hoping she is getting it out of her system!  (I'm sure all you seasoned parents are laughing at me... if only!) We went to visit my family in Ft. Myers t