Fall is Here

I love Fall!  Even though here in South Florida you would have no idea that the season has changed... it feels like a hundred degrees outside!  That will not stop us from doing every fall activity that crosses our path!  We have our Halloween decorations up, have finished off our first pumpkin spice creamer and pumpkin K-Cups, devoured some pumpkin rice krispie treats, and attended our first Harvest Festival... all before October 6th!    As I stated before... I love Fall!!

My little sweet pea continues to grow and learn at rapid speeds!  She amazes me everyday!  I am also wondering if she may be getting her "terrible twos" stage done with early.  Girl gives me a run for my money.  And mammas energy is running low these days so it is quite exhausting.  With less than 4 weeks before her new sister arrives... I'm hoping she is getting it out of her system!  (I'm sure all you seasoned parents are laughing at me... if only!)

We went to visit my family in Ft. Myers two weeks ago.  I get so excited for KK to  have a sibling after seeing her with all her cousins!

To close this post out... we are fighting/finishing our first cold in the Carlisle household.  Poor girl has been to the doctor twice this week.  She is coughing something terrible and her nose has not stopped running.  Good news... she is on the upswing... hallelujah!

Morning walks make Kaelyn tired!

Daddy and KK selfie

Touch A Truck

Taking a break from dancing at the Harvest Festival


  1. Super cute post, love the pics! Can't wait to see you all again and meet KK's little sis!


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