Beyond Blessed

Lana Belle Carlisle is here!  And we are overjoyed!  But… to rewind a bit…

Meet my little tennis pro.  She’s quite the cutie.  Serena better watch herself.  We had previously decided to skip Trick or Treating this year.   We live in an apartment complex and we weren’t sure if our Lana would be here or not so we went Trunk or Treating earlier in the week.  Brax and I could not believe our girl.  We were convinced that he would have to hold her the whole time with all the people and costumes.  But no… little KK is truly my daughter.  When candy is involved… she is on a mission.  She walked right up to each car and got that candy.  And when the nice folks let her choose the candy… she took a handful.   
Waiting like a big girl

So that is a Chick-Fil-A cookie that young girl was handing out.  It was delicious!

Needed a break after all that hard work
So… Halloween day came and the doctor’s office called requesting I come in for some fetal monitoring.  The nurse on the phone said not to worry… this was routine.   I packed up Kaelyn’s I-Touch and we went the five minutes down the road to my doctor.  After being hooked up to the machine for about 20 minutes my doc came in and said she had me scheduled at the hospital that day to be induced.  Not to worry she said (yeah right).. just a little concerned about baby’s movement so she wanted her out sooner rather than later. 

My mom came rushing from across the state to take care of Kaelyn and Brax and I were off.  Turns out I was already having contractions when I arrived at the hospital (I wasn’t feeling them at that point… but that didn’t last too long!)  so they wanted to wait to induce until the morning so that she didn’t come too quickly.  I was grateful as I figured Lana wouldn’t want to compete with Halloween her whole life and we lucked out as she arrived the next day… her due date… beautiful, healthy, and perfect!

More interested in her Big Sister bag than her sister

Lana and her cousin

On our way to get Kaelyn her very own fish

Meet Chloe

Aunt Cassie
This past week has been a whirlwind… in the most incredible way.  Lana is an angel… she is so sweet and makes the best faces.  She reminds me so much of her sister.   I absolutely adore her.  And my Kaelyn.  What a wonderful big sister she already is.  It took her a few days to adjust.  She is a mamma’s girl and having to share that attention is not easy for a toddler.  But she stepped it up just like I knew she would. Yesterday the girls (I have “girls”!) and I headed to Target as KK was running out of diapers.  I looked back at the two of them on the way there and my big sister had her hand resting on her sister’s car seat… letting her know everything was going to be ok.

Then last night as I was trying to make dinner… little Miss “I don’t know about this new baby” gave her sister a kiss… totally unprompted.  I am so blessed.  I married an awesome man who is a great husband and amazing daddy.  And our girls.  There are not words to describe the love I have for them.  I am in awe of both.  I am so excited for our future… and for the present! 

And now… some more pictures.  Because I just can't get enough!!

Playing some B-Ball in the rain with daddy


  1. Baby Lana is so beautiful, just like her Mommy and sister. I miss you guys so much and can't wait for our next visit. It seems like Lana has already gotten bigger, since the last time I've seen her. Time ticks away much too fast!


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