More is better!!

When I started my blogging adventure I had hopes that when my daughter (now daughters) get old enough, they will have something to look back on to recall their childhoods.  So keeping with that idea, I am going to make more of an effort to document their days.  That is a big task I am adding to my belt as things are about to get crazy up in  here within the next month or two… more on that soon!


Today Kaelyn got her first pedi from mommy.  I rarely get pedicures (not that I don't enjoy them… just can't seem to find the time), but did so not to long ago when my best gal pal Tara was in town and all us girls got together.  Well KK has been kinda obsessed with my toenails ever since.  And it just so happens the other night as I was stumbling in the dark back from the bathroom to bed I busted my toe into our full length mirror and ended up with a bloody mess… so mamma needed to fix the mess which was her toes.  Now my daughter is not one for trying something new… but man was she excited to have me paint those little piggies of hers.  She sat so still and even allowed them to try!  Whose daughter is this??


Teacher or artist?  What will the future KK be?  Based on her recent interests… could be either!


Then there is this cutie pie… look at that grip she is developing!  Her new favorite game is to pull up to sitting from her boppy pillow.  Genius and She-Woman!  Now if only she would nap… yep, back to those lovely 30-minuters.


These two are just the cutest together.  We had a play date today and they have finally started really playing with one another versus just being in the same room together.

Favorite game… empty the entire contents of KK's kitchen on the floor

Trying on Liam's kicks


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