The Terrific Twos
I am so in love with Kaelyn’s current age. I do realize that putting this into words will probably jinx her impeccable behavior and she will revert back to her terrible two stage… but I’ll soak up every ounce of the Terrific Twos while I can. Today alone she… ...rocked out in not quite 9 month old sister’s diapers because mommy didn’t order her new ones in time…And didn’t complain once. ...used fresh from the dryer laundry as blankets to cuddle up with and watch Sesame Street. She then proceeded to prance around in mama’s undies and skirt. Sorry … no pictures of this one. ...insisted on watching the above-mentioned Sesame Street after drinking a juice box that had Elmo on it. Once the show started and she had wore mom’s undergarments for a bit, she ran into the office and requested her Sesame Street Memory game that she hasn’t played with in weeks so that she could match the characters on the cards to the show. ...sweetly asks Lana “what...