
Showing posts from July, 2014

The Terrific Twos

I am so in love with Kaelyn’s current age.  I do realize that putting this into words will probably jinx her impeccable behavior and she will revert back to her terrible two stage… but I’ll soak up every ounce of the Terrific Twos while I can. Today alone she… ...rocked out in not quite 9 month old sister’s diapers because mommy didn’t order her new ones in time…And didn’t complain once. ...used fresh from the dryer laundry as blankets to cuddle up with and watch Sesame Street.   She then proceeded to prance around in mama’s undies and skirt.   Sorry … no pictures of this one. ...insisted on watching the above-mentioned Sesame Street after drinking a juice box that had Elmo on it.   Once the show started and she had wore mom’s undergarments for a bit, she ran into the office and requested her Sesame Street Memory game that she hasn’t played with in weeks so that she could match the characters on the cards to the show. ...sweetly asks Lana “what happened” when she

Vacation Done Right

Ahh… how I love Saint Augustine.  The history, the plethora of food and beverages, the relaxed nature of the town, the hauntedness (don't think that's a word… but I'm using it anyways).  Our trip was everything I imagined… plus a little added bonus.  We arrived to our beautiful hotel and ventured out for lunch at The Floridian.  It was so good.  I was skeptical but Brax wanted to go and I wanted food and a beer so I was in.  Probably the best meal of the trip.  We spent the rest of the day exploring, shopping, and relaxing at the pool.   Waiting for some deliciousness at The Floridian Another great restaurant, Catch 27, great seafood so I hear… I preferred the meatloaf… plus it was BYOB… does it get any better?   So about three in the morning I awoke to Braxton turning on the light in our room.  I was annoyed… do you really need to turn on the light to make it to the bathroom?… but returned to my slumber nonetheless.  It wasn't un


This beautiful baby was baptized Sunday evening and despite the church being unusually warm due to a broken air conditioner, she made quite the impression on all those lucky enough to witness her spiritual blessing.  She smiled, waved, clapped, and grabbed the priest's bible and everything else he was holding.  So lucky to have her cousins, grandma, and godmamma… Aunt Cassie in the crowd.  We were missing our Nonnie and Apples… but know they were there in spirit.  Also pretty sad to not have godfather Uncle Jack in attendance, but school is important and we need him to buy us a mansion one day so totally understand.  Our current loves… Eating and feeding Sunshine and Water Time Selfies Guess who is heading out of town this weekend without two little ones?!?  Love my babies but absolutely positively cannot wait to sleep past 6, enjoy a meal without feeding two others at the same time, and walk out the doo

The Fourth

Tampa provided a Fourth of July we will never forget!  It rained off and on all weekend so we were able to sneak in the pool here and there for a dip.  Kaelyn loved it one day and refused to get in the next… sounds about right for my little girl.  We laid low most of the weekend… but managed to get in a shopping a trip and a visit to Chili's. Golf Cart Rides… KK is a pro behind the wheel The dogs had an unforgettable weekend as well!  These next pictures crack me up.  I don't even remember why Kaelyn was upset… I'm certain it was over something very important… like not turning on the TV. Why you crying sis? Ok… I'm over it.  What's for dinner? Ethan put on a great show!