Summertime in the IHB

Summer continues here in Indian Harbour.  Last week the family came to visit and boy were we ever  busy.  I had the great idea to plan out all kinds of fun stuff for the girls to do to make their summer vacation memorable.  We had fun but when they return (in just a week or so for Lana's baptism and to babysit girls while Brax and I take a much needed mommy and daddy vaca) we will take it down a notch and maybe get a little relaxing in as well… ha.

We explored downtown Melbourne, ate lots of ice cream, said hello to the animals at the zoo, had water balloon fights, dove off diving boards, splashed in the pool, discovered the joys of the playgrounds around town, and enjoyed one anothers' company.  What follows is our week in pictures...

Did you see that giraffe Aunt Cassie?

So tired… but refused to nap in the stroller.

No not sunburned… has her mama's complexion and flushes quite quickly.

Breakdancing Break

Spoiling this girl… best not think mamma is gonna hold her for nap time when Aunt Cassie is gone!

Check out the headband Aunt Cassie made me!

My Lana is 8 months as of yesterday.  Little miss claps when happy and waves when someone enters the room. She has one little tooth poking through… pretty sure many are to follow.

Then there is this girl… love her so!

Getting ready to head to Tampa to spend the fourth with more family.  Can't wait to see everyone and cool off in Aunt Kelly's new pool!  And a few more pics for the road…


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