Vacation Done Right

Ahh… how I love Saint Augustine.  The history, the plethora of food and beverages, the relaxed nature of the town, the hauntedness (don't think that's a word… but I'm using it anyways).  Our trip was everything I imagined… plus a little added bonus.  We arrived to our beautiful hotel and ventured out for lunch at The Floridian.  It was so good.  I was skeptical but Brax wanted to go and I wanted food and a beer so I was in.  Probably the best meal of the trip.  We spent the rest of the day exploring, shopping, and relaxing at the pool.  

Waiting for some deliciousness at The Floridian

Another great restaurant, Catch 27, great seafood so I hear… I preferred the meatloaf… plus it was BYOB… does it get any better?  
So about three in the morning I awoke to Braxton turning on the light in our room.  I was annoyed… do you really need to turn on the light to make it to the bathroom?… but returned to my slumber nonetheless.  It wasn't until the morning that I was informed that it was not my husband who turned on the light, but he in fact was turning it off.  That's right… somehow the entire light switch was turned to the on position.  Which led to my internet investigation which in turn led to me finding out that our fancy expensive hotel was in fact one of the most haunted hotels in Saint Augustine. Are you kidding me?  And on top of that… the fourth floor is where most paranormal activity is reported… guess what room we were in … 434.  I love me a good scary movie from the comfort and safety of my own living room… I do not want to be the star of one.  Needless to say I did not get much sleep Saturday night waiting for a light to flick on or a ghostly man to come walking through my hotel room (thank you internet for your wealth of information to scare the bejesus out of me).  Thankfully the night was uneventful and though I didn't sleep much was distracted somewhat by the movie Magic Mike which just happened to be on lucky me.  

Our haunted hotel
The girls did fairly well considering we rarely leave them alone and it was Lana's first nighttime without me.  I don't think Aunt Cassie and Grandma got a ton of sleep… Lana was being a pistol… but everyone survived and I am so grateful we were able to get some much needed relaxation.  

 Speaking of my little pistol… she has yet to take decent consistent naps or sleep through the night.  I am grateful because even without a ton of sleep she is still quite jolly.   We have been waiting for her to crawl… she has done her darndest to avoid it.  She gets across the entire living room without it… but today was the day she decided she wanted sister’s pom poms and nothing was going to stop her.  I have yet to catch her on video… but it will happen.  I have a feeling she is never going to stop… lord help us all. 

She steals a rock from this man's yard every time we walk by it.. luckily his whole yard is made of rocks so hopefully he won't notice!


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