
Showing posts from September, 2014

Why September is the Best

The obvious… Fall is here!  Oh how I anxiously await a pumpkin spice anything, temperature dips (it's 80 degrees outside… wahoo!), breaking out my Fall themed tub of goodies and decorating (tricky this year with little miss I get into absolutely everything… but I managed) and of course costumes, candy, and turkey. Backing up a little… September also is host to my birthday.   Getting older may not be all that exciting, but I am blessed beyond measure and have so much to be thankful for that I don’t mind it so much.   Even better than Fall beginning and a day centered all around me is the fact that my Lana has finally realized, at least for the time being, that she will not win the sleep battle against her mommy… and has succumbed to my relentless attempts at getting her to nap.   Another… wahoo! Finally, the very best thing about September, drum roll please…. my lovelies and I get to celebrate the man that makes us the three happiest girls around.   Braxton is the bes

Ready, Steady, Wiggle!

We made some memories this past weekend.  It wasn’t easy… but really a little bit of effort makes the reward all that much sweeter. We started our trip to Tampa off right by stopping in to visit with the beautiful little Greta and her parents, Brie and Cory.   It blows my mind how many of our close friends have babies that are within months and some even weeks of my two.   So cool.   Lana and Greta got to know each other while Cory indulged Kaelyn with some animated book readings.   The dogs, Einstein and Ziggy, got some quality time with one another as well. The dads trying to keep these two still for a picture  Clearly that didn't work out And off they go... The rest of our trip was spent at Aunt Kelly’s house.  The girls got plenty of cousin lovin’ … and oh, did I mention… we saw The Wiggles?  There were a few bumps in the road … the hour drive to the Tampa Bay Rays stadium was spent in tears… loud ones…. by the two littles.  Lana just doesn’t

10 months

Kaelyn has been such a lover these days.   I witnessed her walk up to her sister, give her a hug and a kiss and then tell her “love you.”   She wasn’t prompted nor did she know I was watching her.   She wasn’t even playing with Lana… it all happened just out of the blue.   I literally thought my heart might explode.   Just a few hours later she did the same thing to Ziggy.   She is so loving and affectionate I just want to squeeze her and never let go! My little Lana lovebug turned 10 months yesterday.   Holy crap she is going to be one in two months.   How the heck did that happen?   I basically just chase her around the house while she leaves a path of destruction in her midst.   Her current obsessions include yanking open the entertainment center doors and pushing every button for every electronic device we own, opening the kitchen cupboard and attempting to pull a very heavy slow cooker on top of her (solved that problem with locks), playing in the do