
Showing posts from February, 2015


It’s ridiculous how much time we spend at playgrounds.   Near and far we travel to get to these outlets of joy.   It’s a weekday and weekend hot spot for us… a go to when we need to get the heck out of the house and inhale some fresh air.     The kids run free… Miss Lana in particular.  Have I mentioned I am STRONGLY considering putting this kid on a leash?   She cra-cra.  Have I also mentioned that in a week I will have a three year old?   A three year old!?!?   Did I also   mention this almost three year old is peeing in the potty?   Hallejuah!   It has been quite the week but girlfriend is doing great.   Sitting on the potty as we speak.   It’s her new hang out.... I'll spare the embarrassing moment peeing on the potty shot. I'm so that mom on the playground with my big old camera... and I don't even care.  These three are totally worth it! Can you tell this is more of a daddy death

My Funny Little Valentines

The last few days have been pretty darn great.  We celebrated our 4 th year of marriage and followed it up by a day surrounded in our love for each other and chocolate fondue.  I can't believe I haven't had a fondue pot until now.  Best. thing. ever.  Waking up yesterday we had valentine donuts. Pretty sure the girls enjoyed them… After breakfast the girls went on their now annual Valentine’s Day scavenger hunt.   All this happened before 7:30 am mind you.   We do early in this house.   I’ll leave you with a few leftovers from this week… my girls are the cutest, just saying. She loves to read.  Especially in sister's room.  Especially in her chair. Heart Attacks. Thanks Pinterest.    Her bestie made her a Valentine card.  She carried it around with her for two days.  Everywhere we went.

Appreciating: February

We are half way into the month of love… and our hearts sure feel it.  This family of mine is pretty special and we have the best time when the weekends roll around and we all get to be together.  February is stuffed with many family birthdays, of course- Valentines, and another special day around here… our anniversary.  How could one not love this month?  And… just in case you need a couple more reasons why… Bubba Lana is in love with our dog, Ziggy.   Typically when she goes missing… she can be found cuddling with the bubba.   Her favorite word is… you guessed it… bubba.   She walks around the house going… bubba, bubba, bubba.   While at the park the other day, we were surrounded by pigeons.   She was chasing after them, full speed ahead, chanting… bubba, bubba.   She was ready to jump the boardwalk in order to catch her prize. Dress Up A favorite past time around these parts.   A princess and a doctor… Brax and I will retire early! The Lit