How Did We Get Here?!? Kaelyn’s First Day of Preschool (and some serious catching up!)

I had no intention of putting my eldest daughter in school this year.  I figured I would reap the last drops of my sweet girl before she began the never-ending journey that is her education.  I have a sappy heart and for selfish reasons didn't want to let my girl go.  Well after a discussion with Kaelyn on the prospect of school and the enthusiasm she didn't try to hide from weak old mom... I decided to let my little bird fly.  

After asking around and checking it out online we decided on a local school that just so happened to have two available spots… one for Kaelyn and one for her bestie, Luke.  After touring the school… Kaelyn was sold and there was no looking back. 

Which brings us to today.  Kaelyn marched down the hallway and made herself at home in her new classroom.  I was the mom that was in the car loop twenty minutes early after the longest three hours of my life.  She got in the car and proceeded to tell me what an awesome day she had and how she just loved her teacher and school.  I’m so incredibly proud of her and her independence.  Braxton and I just can’t get over how much she is growing up and what a kid she is becoming.  She seriously told Daddy the other night to, "be patient" as she procrastinated through her bedtime routine.  Where did my baby go?    Lana spent the entire three hours saying… Where’s Sissy?  Clearly we missed her a bit more than she missed us.  

Now for some catching up.  Our summer ended with a visit to Ft. Myers, a visit from our Apples and Nonnie, and my girl spreading her wings just a bit more by starting ballet minus the mamma at her side. 

Fort Myers was a whirlwind.  We were there for ten days and kept very busy all ten days. 

Kinda think Lana may have been trying to get rid of Kaelyn here

Clearly girl can't read

Learning from her cousins how to veg out with an iPhone

 We got home and barely had time to miss one set of family before the next came.  Our eldest cousins like the beach so were happy to oblige and soak up the summer rays.  

Aunt Kelly did about ten science experiments with Kaelyn and planted her a whole butterfly garden!

Kaelyn loves ballet class.  She is no doubt a teacher's pet and made sure to be by Miss Whitney's side at all times.

I'll close this post out with some photos from a play date we had at the local Publix.  They let the kids decorate a cake, scan the groceries, cut some pineapple, and even touch a lobster.  It was quite the field trip!


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