
Showing posts from May, 2016

Dancing on the High Seas

Last night my girl rocked it.  She had her first ballet recital, on stage in front of a ton of people, and not once did I see the wave of nerves that I was certain would come.  A mom and I were laughing backstage at the pits we were feeling in our stomachs for our little girls- funny how that works.  She was beautiful, brave, poised, and most of all proud.   It was a night that will be tucked away in my trove of memories to never forget.   She clapped so hard when the older dancers would finish their performance and was totally in her element. And now, ladies and gentlemen, I present my little pirate. A little pre-gaming before the big night.

A Double Delight

Mother’s Day came early this year with a sweet little four year old walking proudly out of her preschool carrying a intricately painted vase complete with a flower.    “I painted it purple because I know purple is your favorite color.   And I picked a yellow flower because you like yellow too.” True to form when asked to break away and take a pic with her beautiful gift girl became irritated with the mom she loves oh so much and wouldn’t crack a smile. Every day with my two is a new adventure and there are times when I grab them and hug the heck out of them, never to let go.   There are only so many ways to state the obvious- time is flying by and while it can be heartbreaking how quickly their childhood seems to be passing, I am in awe at the little people they are becoming.   Motherhood is the ultimate gift and one that I will cherish for the rest of my life. This Mother’s Day we were fortunate to be in the company of a few other mother’s that I cons

Appreciating: April

April is gone and we have not much to show of it except for some begininng tan lines.  I am anxiously awaiting summer, the dread is settling in that when August rolls around my oldest daughter will be in school 5 days a week.  It will only be for three hours a day, but I am still having trouble coping. I am ready to soak up the rays and appreciate every ounce of that girl that I can this summer. The month of April has brought much to appreciate: Big girl bed for the littlest She was so excited to have a bed that she could climb in and out of.  For the most part it has gone well, though I think she is still itching for a full bed like that of her sisters. No more pack and play!   Friendship My girlies have already formed bonds with both friends and family that will last them a lifetime and nothing could make my heart more happy. Outdoor Adventure This past month Kaelyn finally made it off the stairs in the pool and has gained some confidence in the water.