Appreciating: April

April is gone and we have not much to show of it except for some begininng tan lines.  I am anxiously awaiting summer, the dread is settling in that when August rolls around my oldest daughter will be in school 5 days a week.  It will only be for three hours a day, but I am still having trouble coping. I am ready to soak up the rays and appreciate every ounce of that girl that I can this summer.

The month of April has brought much to appreciate:

Big girl bed for the littlest
She was so excited to have a bed that she could climb in and out of.  For the most part it has gone well, though I think she is still itching for a full bed like that of her sisters.

No more pack and play!  

My girlies have already formed bonds with both friends and family that will last them a lifetime and nothing could make my heart more happy.

Outdoor Adventure
This past month Kaelyn finally made it off the stairs in the pool and has gained some confidence in the water.  She will be swimming in no time.  We are riding this train and getting her in all bodies of water as much as possible.  There has also been spur of the moment nature walks and a little soccer training this month.

I realize she is not fully buckled, we weren't moving yet!

A Springtime Recital
As preschool end is nearing, we were treated to a little performance from this cutie pie.

Not singing at school yet, but just you wait kid.

Family Time
Love these three so much.

May here we come!


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