A Double Delight

Mother’s Day came early this year with a sweet little four year old walking proudly out of her preschool carrying a intricately painted vase complete with a flower.   “I painted it purple because I know purple is your favorite color.  And I picked a yellow flower because you like yellow too.”

True to form when asked to break away and take a pic with her beautiful gift girl became irritated with the mom she loves oh so much and wouldn’t crack a smile.

Every day with my two is a new adventure and there are times when I grab them and hug the heck out of them, never to let go.  There are only so many ways to state the obvious- time is flying by and while it can be heartbreaking how quickly their childhood seems to be passing, I am in awe at the little people they are becoming.  Motherhood is the ultimate gift and one that I will cherish for the rest of my life.

This Mother’s Day we were fortunate to be in the company of a few other mother’s that I consider pretty special- my mom and sis.  My little Grace (clearly not so little anymore) received her first communion on our special day, making it all the more memorable. 


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