Appreciating: December

December flew by, as it always does.  There is so much to do and see, including nightly drives through the neighborhood, taking in the Christmas lights.  Lana would get upset whenever her father and I attempted to speak to one another, let alone have a conversation.  She wanted silence in the car, other than the lovely Christmas music coming from the speakers.  And of course her own voice, which needed validation that yes, I had seen the lights on that house.  And yes Lana, mommy likes those lights too.  It was seriously never ending.

December memories...

A visit with Santa.  Kaelyn finally got up the courage to sit on Santa's lap this year.  Lana, not so much.  Everything was cool, until the big man tried to have a convo with her- not gonna happen Santa.  

The girls worked hard, singing the days and nights away, in preparation for their Christmas program at school.  And then the day before, we found out Lana had strep throat.  So she stayed with mom and dad and we watched her class and sister from the sidelines.

Kaelyn and I had a date to see The Nutcracker.  She loved it, and I loved watching her.  Lana was a little disappointed she missed out on the fun, but by next year she should be ready.

We love Lowe's Build and Grow.  This was the first time Lana got to tag along- we finally felt like she could be trusted with a hammer.  And then I read this morning they are no longer offering this.  So bummed!

Supergirl at the zoo,  Barbie jeep on the open field, and a new addition to our Christmas deco!

Gingerbread house fun- more candy went in our bellies then on the houses- but how would it be any fun otherwise.

Tara, Priya, and Baby Jai came for a visit and we had great fun!  It's so awesome to watch our kids get older and actually start playing together.

Flat Stella stayed with us over Christmas Break and Kaelyn had her first homework assignment of documenting all their adventures together (thanks teach!)  

Our Polar Express Picnic Night was a favorite for sure and it ended with Santa driving by on a firetruck.  Pretty special!

The girls got their very own Kindle Fires from Poppy and CeeCee and have yet to put them down!  (Just kidding- if they  had their way that would totally be the case.)

We kept with tradition and went to church on Christmas Eve then out to dinner.  Where I proceeded to choke on a piece of steak and no kidding almost had to have Braxton start the heimlich on a big old prego lady.  I survived and we can home to sprinkle our reindeer food, leave the big guy a key to get in and a yummy treat, and head off to bed.

Christmas day was beautiful as always.  We opened our long awaited gifts, ate all day, and watched movies and played.

It was a very merry Christmas indeed.


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