The Best Toddler Around

Wow, where the heck does the time go?  I have had “blog” on my to-do list for a month now.  In my defense, I also have about twenty other things on my to-do list… a girl has gotta prioritize.  There is so much to share, but this post is dedicated to a certain little someone who turned a whopping two years old a little over a month ago. 

 Just this morning as I watched her eating her cream cheese toast and watching her new fav show… Caillou (don’t even get me started…. quite possibly the most annoying child ever!)  I just wanted to go over and squeeze her and never let go.  I know just a few months ago I was writing about her terrible twos coming early… well I must have been on to something because I am absolutely adoring her current age.Brax and I were talking at dinner the other night about how much she has grown up.  Every day she blows me away with what she can do and say.  She is a little person now and one of my best buds.    

And what a big sister she is.  Every morning when she gets up the first person she wants to see is sissy.  She goes right up to her, nuzzles close, and grabs her hand.  I seriously sometimes think I might burst with how much I love the two of them.  I cannot get over the bond they have at such a young age and am so, so fortunate to be able to watch them grow up together. 

 Kaelyn’s favorite pastimes these days involve anything outside.  She loves the beach, chasing bubbles, and creating masterpieces on the driveway in chalk.  She also loves to color indoors and Grandma got her all kinds of color wonder materials for her bday, which are great.  Whoever thought those up was definitely on to something. 

Her birthday was low key this year.  We had a cookie cake when my family was in town before our big move.  Girl loves her “cooks.”  Then on the day of I tried to take her to the beach… but that didn’t work out so well as we got stuck under the pavilion as it poured rain.  She was cool with that though.  Later in the afternoon we took her fancy new tricycle, courtesy of Nonnie, for a spin.  The best part was going out to dinner.  We dined at a laid back little restaurant that had live music that she LOVED.  Everyone in the joint was enjoying the birthday girl getting down.  She definitely got her rhythm from her mamma!  (that is being stated in a good way… FYI)

We have also recently paid our first visit to the pediatric dentist.  I still cannot believe how well it went.  KK was such a brave girl and only cried a little when she did the exam.  Dentist Kristin was so good… Kaelyn and I both loved her… and she has an awesome name!  Kaelyn even gave her a pat on the arm as we were leaving… which is huge for my little lady. 

I love my two year old.  She is seriously just the best.  Makes me so happy!

Have I mentioned that we moved?  More on our new home in the next post… I have a to-do list waiting for me and both babies sleeping…that never happens! 


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