The Halloween We Will Forget

This Halloween was Lana’s first… last year on October 31st Braxton and I spent the majority of the day and evening in the hospital preparing for the arrival of our second child.  I have to say… I don’t think she enjoyed it so much.  She wasn’t digging the costume, or the pictures, or pretty much anything else that went with the holiday.  Her sister on the other hand… was beyond excited. 

Kaelyn woke up Halloween asking… “ Time to go trick-or-treating with the girls?”  Clearly it was not time, but after a day spent cleaning house in preparation for a party, a grocery store visit, some lawn work (done by daddy), lunch with Nonnie, and the arrival of Grandma, Aunt Cassie, and the girls (which is where I stopped seeing Kaelyn for the weekend as she wanted nothing to with me and everything to do with Nev and Grace)… it was finally time to get that Minnie Mouse ready and out the door.

Kaelyn was a big girl this year… walking up to the doors by herself (with the girls of course… and sometimes daddy), saying her much rehearsed “trick-or-treat” and “thank-you,” and anticipating the next batch of candy that would be dropped in her bucket. 

Thank goodness Aunt Cassie was here... Lana was cuddled and comfy.
All was going fantastic until the house that ruined Halloween for my baby.  My little girl marched up to that door with her cousins and waited anxiously for it to open.  She was not ready for the monster that appeared.  She screamed, ran back to her mommy and daddy, and refused to be anywhere but mommy or daddies arms the rest of the trip.  From that moment on, whenever she was asked if she had a good Halloween or if she had fun trick-or-treating, her response was… “That monster scared KK”  (yes, my daughter refers to herself in third person).  After a restless night of sleep which was spent clinging to the edge of my king size bed as my toddler (who never wants to sleep in my bed) slept horizontally between her father and I, we decided that we wouldn’t discuss Halloween anymore and hope by next year she will have forgotten the scary monster that took the fun out of her Halloween.

Earlier that week we met our buds at the Pumpkin Patch so Kaelyn and Luke could frolic together among the pumpkins and Lana could once again pretend she wasn’t enjoying herself when I whipped my camera out. 


Stay tuned… we now have a one year old in the house…. blog post soon to follow. 


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