Appreciating: December (and a bit of November)

December brings so many happy things.  Like...

The Beach
We enjoy the beach one day and find ourselves with the heater on the next.  This visit was in November… we have yet to brave swimsuits in December… but the weather is warming up so we may get there just yet.

Gina is Lana’s lovey.  Brax thinks I named her after Ziggy’s first dog walker... who was a little cra-cra, but this is false.  I just thought Gina the Giraffe had a nice ring to it.  There are times when Lana carries Gina around in her mouth… but I swear, no relation to the dog walker.


This girl will find the one thing in the room that will make the biggest mess or that can cause her bodily harm and will make a beeline for it. 

Favorite game… pull all the tupperware from the cabinet

Mini Shopping Carts
They please my little domestic diva so.  She is very insistent on putting the groceries in her basket and removing them when its time to check out. No helping allowed.

Short and tall… there is no longer a slide that Kaelyn will not conquer.  She banged her head flying down one the other day… but it didn’t stop her.  She is fearless.  Ok, fearless may not be the best word to describe her, but she is getting braver by the day.

Neighborhood Strolls
We walk up and down the street now… all three of us. 

Salt Dough
We made some snazzy Christmas ornaments with our salt dough and Kaelyn proceed to entertain herself for a good thirty minutes rolling and cutting.  Anything that can provide entertainment and give me thirty minutes to check emails or vacuum the floor is invaluable in book… and no, T.V. does not count.

Twinkling Lights
Can be found in two little beauties bedrooms… and every other corner of our home.

Shake It Off

I may have a slight girl crush on Taylor Swift… and who wouldn’t when her music makes your little boo do this?


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