
Thanksgiving this year was spent in Fort Myers with all the aunts, uncles, cousins, and extended family.  We all had a grand time reminiscing, eating turkey and pie, playing b-ball, riding the mule, chicken dancing with Uncle Jim, and scanning the black Friday ads to determine our plan of attack.  Of course out of all the fun listed above, the only two I partook in were the eating and plans of spending money.

Criss, Cross, Applesauce, Spiders running up your back...

The rest of the week we shopped (or more like ate pizza and chocolate and bought a few things we didn't need at midnight), watched a few movies, stressed over a football game (or at least I did... but the ending is all that matters right?  Go 'Noles!)  and played, played, and played some more.  Kaelyn, thanks to the help of her cousins, braved her fear of slides and now will take even the tallest slide head on.  

Kaelyn and Miss Grace had a run in while shopping and KK caught her fall with her face... luckily we ended up with just a skinned nose and a few cries that were calmed with ice cream.

Someone took a few steps a week or so after her bday and hasn't slowed down.

All traces of one of my favorite seasons have been stowed away in their special bin until next year and we now have a Winter Wonderland as Braxton likes to call it... kinda funny considering it's 80 something outside.  Fall has my heart... but one of the many reasons this is so is due to it's welcoming of Christmastime and all the wonderment and excitement it holds.  The advent calendar is loaded, the tree lit and smelling deliciously piney, and we have a new family member for the month... Ginger the Elf on the Shelf has joined our crew.

Before we left for Fort Myers we visited the fair at our church.  Kaelyn had the best time riding the ferris wheel and winning prizes (although pretty sure we won the prize for her as she refused to play the game) and enjoying the tasty treats.

My Lana loves her some babies.  She is such a good mommy... only drops them on their head when they are acting up!

A weekend full of fun holiday goodness ahead... Oh December, how I love you!


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