
Showing posts from April, 2013

Big Sister

On November 1st, hopefully a few days before that, fingers-crossed not a few days after, our little Kaelyn will officially become a big sister! We are over the moon! At the Early Screening Ultrasound I asked the doctor if she could tell the sex yet… it was a shot in the dark… but there’s no hurt in asking! Now I know many people like the surprise of not knowing… but that is one hundred percent not me! I am a planner! I need to know! Anyhoo… she said that she could. I was pretty shocked! I was only 12 and half weeks! Well she told us… and I am not telling the world just yet! We would like it to be a little more solid. But no matter what this little cupcake is… we will love it to pieces, just as we love his/her sister! Our new addition... little boo is sucking it's thumb... just like it's sister!  That's the head on the right side.  And a few pictures from the week… She refused to hop in with her b-friend!  I guess she was a little

Gettin’ Crafty

Hair-Bow Holder With the sliver of hair that can hold a hair bow growing every day… I have gone on a hair bow-making craze!  And if you give a girl a lot of fancy new hair bows… she will need a place to put them! So I took to pinterest to gather ideas, spent an hour at Michaels deciding between various different wooden options, and made myself (I mean Kaelyn!) a cutesy bow holder!  So simple- Frame was $5 after a coupon from Michaels.  Spray-painted with a can of ballet pink spray paint I had bought for something or another and never used.  In retrospect I wish I had prim ed the frame as I think I literally used ten coats to get it to cover completely. But this may have well been my very first spray painting attempt- so I'm taking it as a win!   Once the paint was dry I just hot glued some ribbon to the back and Voila… hair-bow holder!  

The Great Outdoors

We are trying to seep up this gorgeous south Florida weather as much as we can… for soon it will be a hundred something degrees and going outside will be basically unbearable!  Braxton and I don’t love our current living situation but are trying to make the best of it, knowing there is a light at the end of the tunnel…. which will be our very own home.  There are perks to living in an apartment complex, one being the very large pool.  It’s “heated” though I still find myself slowly easing into the water, but it also comes with tropical music and pretty palm trees so you almost feel like you are on some exotic vacation… almost!   In an attempt to get Kaelyn acclimated to the water as much as possible (so daddy can teach her to swim!!)  we try to visit the pool as much as possible.  She loves cruising the steps… back and forth, back and forth, and the other day she totally face planted into the water and for some reason I was moving in slow motion to rescue my baby.  It reall

Change of Plans

We had a very busy weekend planned… Food Truck Invasion on Friday, Turtle Fest on Saturday (hey… we like turtles!), and Circus Day on Sunday.  Then on Friday Kaelyn got her first fever, and it was a doozie!  She got as high as 102.8.  Poor thing was so not her usual perky, happy self!  The doctor tested her for strep and based on her symptoms concluded she had a virus and to just give her baby Advil until the temperature went away.  So instead of partying like rock stars this weekend, we took it easy and catered to our little pumpkin.   The fever had gone down Saturday so we thought we would get out and get some fresh air.   We do like turtles (is this getting redundant?) so we headed to the Turtle Fest.   Miss Kaelyn seemed to enjoy herself.   She had been on a starvation diet since getting sick so we were happy to see her suck down a smoothie and also munch on mommy’s Kettle Korn.   She even got her Bob Marley on with her signature head bob.