Gettin’ Crafty

Hair-Bow Holder

With the sliver of hair that can hold a hair bow growing every day… I have gone on a hair bow-making craze!  And if you give a girl a lot of fancy new hair bows… she will need a place to put them!

So I took to pinterest to gather ideas, spent an hour at Michaels deciding between various different wooden options, and made myself (I mean Kaelyn!) a cutesy bow holder! 

So simple-

Frame was $5 after a coupon from Michaels.  Spray-painted with a can of ballet pink spray paint I had bought for something or another and never used.  In retrospect I wish I had primed the frame as I think I literally used ten coats to get it to cover completely. But this may have well been my very first spray painting attempt- so I'm taking it as a win!

 Once the paint was dry I just hot glued some ribbon to the back and Voila… hair-bow holder!  

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  1. I love it! You are one crafty girl! You must have inherited that.


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