I Like Turtles!

First things first… most of you probably know why I chose this title.  If you do not… you must watch this video!

Today Kaelyn and I headed to the beach to watch four sea turtles be released back to their home, the ocean, after being rehabilitated at the Loggerhead Marine Life Center.  They were sent to Juno Beach from Cape Cod after suffering hypothermia.  Poor guys… it’s cold up there!  I guess they came to visit with the rest of the snowbirds.

It was quite an adventure.  I didn’t realize it would be so crowded… apparently this is a big attraction and apparently there are a lot of people in our area who have nothing better to do at 2 pm!

Needless to say, with all the crowds, there was zero parking!  That didn’t stop us- we were determined.  We parked at a shopping complex across the street and dangerously maneuvered A1A traffic to get to the turtles.  We are thrill seekers- my baby and I!

We plopped down in an open space near the entrance of the turtle runway and waited.  Kaelyn played and snacked… I tried to fend off the random little boy who kept coming and grabbing our bag of veggie straws. 

The Marine Center was very prompt… right at 2:00 they drove those turtles in to their homecoming party.  I didn’t realize the turtles wouldn’t be released that far back or I would have tried to get a closer spot.  So we ran to the front, battled the crowds, and got a glimpse of those four warriors making their way into the vast abyss.  I felt like quite the warrior myself- baby in one arm, phone in the air trying to get a good shot, beach bag flung over my shoulder, sheet hanging from the other, and the ocean doing its best to knock my tush over. 

We almost skipped the whole event… I was discouraged with the parking situation.  I am so glad we didn’t though!  We visit the Loggerhead Center often and my heart aches for those poor turtles.  It was so awesome to see a few of them all better!  Turtle Power!!

Here are some great pictures from the Loggerhead Center… they are clearly not taken by me… I wish we got this up close and personal!!

Courtesy of:  


  1. Love this!! Wished we lived closer, wish I didnt have to work, almost wish I homeschooled so I could do this with my kiddos! BTW: Awesome Writing!!!
    Miss u guys!
    xoxoxoxo Aunt Kelly

    1. You know I love turtles too, wish I could have been there with you guys!


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