Change of Plans

We had a very busy weekend planned… Food Truck Invasion on Friday, Turtle Fest on Saturday (hey… we like turtles!), and Circus Day on Sunday.  Then on Friday Kaelyn got her first fever, and it was a doozie!  She got as high as 102.8.  Poor thing was so not her usual perky, happy self!  The doctor tested her for strep and based on her symptoms concluded she had a virus and to just give her baby Advil until the temperature went away. 

So instead of partying like rock stars this weekend, we took it easy and catered to our little pumpkin.  The fever had gone down Saturday so we thought we would get out and get some fresh air.  We do like turtles (is this getting redundant?) so we headed to the Turtle Fest.  Miss Kaelyn seemed to enjoy herself.  She had been on a starvation diet since getting sick so we were happy to see her suck down a smoothie and also munch on mommy’s Kettle Korn.  She even got her Bob Marley on with her signature head bob. 

Sunday we took it easy as she woke up for the third day in a row at 5am.  Seriously!?!  I consider myself much more of a morning person than a night owl.  I am usually in bed by 9pm.  But 5 is not even considered morning yet is it?  Kaelyn’s main mode of communication is her “uhh.”  She does this and gestures towards what she wants.  Well she has started uhhing her books when I come to her in the morning.  So now she likes to get her daily read in first thing.   

 We walked to Starbucks and headed to the park later in the day.  We also did some baking… homemade Oatmeal Raisin Cookies and a ham and broccoli quiche for dinner. 

Monday was the return of our smoothie walk.  We used to have a daily afternoon walk where Kaelyn would slurp on a smoothie as we strolled.  Then she started having some serious bathroom issues (I will spare you the details) so we laid off the dairy for a while.  She is back in regular working order so today she got her smoothie back.  Which works out well considering she is getting half the milk she used to as we have finally discontinued the bottle.  Girl is stubborn and refused to take her milk from a cup.  Well the doctor said we stop the bottle and if she won’t drink the milk than make sure she gets dairy from other sources.  So that is what we are doing- doctor’s orders!

And now it is Tuesday and we are facing a new dilemma.  Last night during bath time daddy discovered a rash covering baby girl’s back.  Kaelyn’s little boyfriend was also sick last week and after his fever broke he got a rash.  So… it looks like our little KK is following suit.  Either way… I have a feeling we have a visit to the doctor’s office again in our near future.  I’m sure Kaelyn is oh so excited!!


  1. Poor baby, glad she is better. In your last picture she actually looks like she has that possible?


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