Big Sister

On November 1st, hopefully a few days before that, fingers-crossed not a few days after, our little Kaelyn will officially become a big sister! We are over the moon! At the Early Screening Ultrasound I asked the doctor if she could tell the sex yet… it was a shot in the dark… but there’s no hurt in asking! Now I know many people like the surprise of not knowing… but that is one hundred percent not me! I am a planner! I need to know! Anyhoo… she said that she could. I was pretty shocked! I was only 12 and half weeks! Well she told us… and I am not telling the world just yet! We would like it to be a little more solid. But no matter what this little cupcake is… we will love it to pieces, just as we love his/her sister!

Our new addition... little boo is sucking it's thumb... just like it's sister!  That's the head on the right side.
 And a few pictures from the week…

She refused to hop in with her b-friend!  I guess she was a little shy.
Insisted on being naked!
Her two loves... other than mommy and daddy!


  1. Don't believe anything yet! They told Courtney early that 85% it was a boy, then a month later it was a girl! I had some returning to do! You know how we Grammies just jump in and start buying! LOL Wendy

  2. Sooo excited for you Kristin!! And Kaelyn get's that insisting on being naked thing from her Great Aunt Kelli. I guess it was because I had 2 older brothers (Uncle Ed and your Dad)who didn't wear shirts in the summer. I insisted on going bareback in the summer with pigtails until I was 5!!;)I guess Grandma Jan decided it was time for me to put on a shirt when I started kindergarten!

  3. Kaelyn will be a wonderful big sister, just like her Mommy!


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