Rewind Time- Kaelyn's First Birthday

Before I started my blog, I was keeping a journal on the computer. Pretty much the same thing as my blog… the whole world just didn't have access.  My plan is to get a hardcopy of my posts on a yearly basis to have a keepsake of our year… almost like a yearbook.  So I am going to slowly transfer the entries from my journal onto the blog.. with a little editing as anyone and everyone can read.

I cannot believe my Kaelyn will be two in just about a month.  I have been going back and forth with how to celebrate.  We will literally be in the middle of our move so timing is not on our side.  I think I have settled on having a fun family day with just us on  the day of her bday and celebrating with all the family whenever they end up visiting our new spot.  A party will  be too difficult with everything going on.  And she will love it either way… I'll make sure of it!

And without further ado… Kaelyn's First Birthday

A Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Kinda Day (Remember… this was written a year ago!)

Under the belt is the first birthday bash. I think I may finally be at the point where I don't cry when I think about it. I seriously cannot believe that we have been blessed with this little soul for a whole year!

It was perfect! The girl had a blast. I wasn't sure how she would react to that many people shoved into our tiny place… but she did great. She was a little clingy at first… but after cake and present… it was… mommy who? The decorations… which were all mostly homemade… looked so cute. We had homemade cupcakes and Grandma and Cassie decorated the smash cake. Which didn't really get “smashed” per se… but was smeared enough to where the baby wipes just weren't cutting it and we had to throw little birthday girl into the bath mid-party.

Kaelyn is one lucky little girl because there sure was a lot of love in the room between family and friends. She got so many thoughtful present… and showed her appreciation by clapping after opening each one.

We then got to hang with the family the rest of the weekend and spent it having a yummy breakfast and going for many wagon rides thanks to the new wheels from Aunt Cassie.

On Friday (a little out of order here), Kaelyn got her very first pair of squeaky new shoes from Stride Rite… courtesy of Nonnie. She got her little tootsies measured and then we chose her favs. We were then instructed that we needed to come back in three months.. who knew little feet grew so fast.
The birthday will be remembered by me forever… I had such anxious anticipation for it for weeks. We created memories and lived and loved every moment and I hold onto that when I think about it being over. Happy days ahead!!


  1. Remember that day, it was so much fun! Can't wait for KK's Birthday Number #2! Love you my Little Birthday Princess, Grandma.


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