This and That

The girls and I tore apart some storage bins the other day.  Baby clothes were taking over the garage. It’s kinda out of control.  I’ve allowed myself one bin of keepsakes that I hope to do something fun with one day.  I’m leaning towards making a quilt of old baby clothes that have sentimental value… Halloween and Christmas outfits, the adorable jammies that both girls cozied into, coming home from the hospital outfits… you get the drift.  Kaleyn decided to call on her inner Cinderella and try on every pair of shoes we came across… all that no longer fit her.  I guess that would make her the evil stepsister instead of Cinderella?  No way Jose… not my sweet pea.

Don't get rid of all my old clothes mom!
We have been dealing with some serious sleep deprivation over here (and by we I mean myself and little miss Lana).  I don’t know what’s going on with that girl… well I kinda do.. she loves her family and would much rather be with them than sleeping.  She also is crawling and pulling up pretty much every waking minute so a lot going on developmentally.  But seriously…  girl needs to nap before she drives mamma bonkers. Oh, and it would be nice if she would sleep past 5:30 in the morning.  Plus the bags under her eyes are not very becoming.

I don't sleep...

or sit still!

Kaelyn has brought her sister into the Wiggles World.  I am starting to believe that Lana might love them just as much as her sister.  Which makes me super duper excited that we are going to see them live in September!

It's a rare occasion that I plop my youngest in front of the boob tube… but sometimes desperate cranky times call for desperate TV measures.
The girls got to hang with the beautiful Isla yesterday and I got to see my bestie Brett. I love our new spot but miss my boos… we had such fun catching up and pulling one another's hair (the babies did this.. not Brett and I).

As you can tell based on this last picture…  a certain 2 year old is in much need of some styling in the hair department.  We haven't really known what to do… she doesn't have a lot of hair to work with so we have been hesitant to cut it but for the love of god… something has to be done.  This weekend we are heading to Orlando to visit Nonnie and will also be visiting a salon for the first time… hopefully they can work some magic.  


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