
Showing posts from January, 2014


  It's been so yucky and dreary outside these past couple days.  We have literally not left the house which is highly unusual for us but it is no fun dragging two little pip-squeaks out in the rain if you don't have to.  But man… going a little stir crazy up in here!  It's given me time to try to schedule out Little Miss Cat Napper…. fingers crossed it may actually be working!  She took a two and half hour nap yesterday!  And doing great today too… let's hope it was just a phase that she has no plans on returning to!  Her and her sister must have been conspiring because KK has also seemed to leave her night wakings behind for the moment… again, fingers all crossed and tangled!! So probably just as I had finished hitting publish on my last post about how excited I was for our new home… we got some not so great news.  I still believe everything will work out (crossing those fingers throughout this post!)  but whoever said buying a house was easy (somebody has said that

Tummy Troubles and Sleep Strikes

We have been fighting one serious stomach virus here in the Carlisle household.   Kaelyn woke up one night crying… which I didn't think anything of these days (more on that later) but when I went to check on her she had gotten sick.  Once I had her nice and clean and snuggled into new sheets she started crying again and proceed to get sick all over her clean new jammies, sheets, and me.  Good times!  She was A-Ok the next day and  I figured she must have ate something that didn't settle.  That was until the following night when I woke to a nasty stomach ache.  I won't go into details but I can say you don't know what it's like being sick until you are sick and in charge of two young children!  Thankfully it was only a twenty-four hour bug and now that Braxton was blessed with it as well I think it has exited our home… fingers crossed as I can't imagine my sweet little almost three month old fighting something like that! On top of that nasty bug, my girls have

My Giggling Girl

Guess who made her first giggle this weekend?  It was so stinkin' cute!  I was buckling her up to get ready to get KK some new shoes (remember… Crocs with Socks?)  and was making sounds as all mommy's do to keep their baby's happy and she giggled at me. She hasn't done it again but I can't wait for her to… it made my day!   We were house hunting this weekend and the little giggle monster was definitely giving us her opinion. She is quite the talker… we are going to have to watch her cell phone use when she gets older!  It's the sweetest thing… when I lay her down for bed she will go on for about five minutes just chatting it up to Sammy (Sally the Seahorse's brother) and then close her eyes and go to sleep! In more depressing news… we said good-bye to Chloe the fish today.  Returning from our trip we found her bobbing along the bottom of her tank.  I thought fish floated when they died… guess I was wrong.  Kaelyn didn't seem to notice… not that sh

Temporary Housing

Check out Lana's new room!  What's that you ask?  Is that a closet?  Why yes, yes it is.  We have moved my little girl into my closet.  Now before you turn me in for child neglect hear me out.  There is an air vent and a window.  It's a fancy closet!  She has become pretty sensitive to noise and was waking at night when Braxton and I went to bed.  So into the closet she went… it's pretty cozy in there. And no worries… she will be out of that closet and in her own room in less than 60 days!!  No, our house that was supposed to be started I think a year ago is not finished… it's still not started…. don't even get me going with that one.  But I truly believe everything happens for a reason and we are getting out of our contract on that home because Braxton has accepted an offer to work at Harris in Melbourne.  So as of early March we will no longer be residents of Jupiter.  It's bittersweet for us… we love Jupiter and love our friends here, but have made

More is better!!

When I started my blogging adventure I had hopes that when my daughter (now daughters) get old enough, they will have something to look back on to recall their childhoods.  So keeping with that idea, I am going to make more of an effort to document their days.  That is a big task I am adding to my belt as things are about to get crazy up in  here within the next month or two… more on that soon! ******************** Today Kaelyn got her first pedi from mommy.  I rarely get pedicures (not that I don't enjoy them… just can't seem to find the time), but did so not to long ago when my best gal pal Tara was in town and all us girls got together.  Well KK has been kinda obsessed with my toenails ever since.  And it just so happens the other night as I was stumbling in the dark back from the bathroom to bed I busted my toe into our full length mirror and ended up with a bloody mess… so mamma needed to fix the mess which was her toes.  Now my daughter is not one for trying something

Merry Christmas! (A bit belated)

 Life has thrown us a few curveballs these past weeks so dealing with these and a baby who has exited the always sleeping stage and moved to the never sleeping stage have kept me busy.  Luckily my little Lana bug has napped like a champ today and I am hoping the previous days of taking 30 minutes to get her to sleep for her to only sleep 30 minutes are over.  On top of the sleep issues, Kaelyn has become very jealous of her little sissy and super clingy to momma.  Add in the awesomeness of our three story apartment (Lana sleeps on third floor, Kaelyn on the second, and living room on first) and me going up and down the stairs literally at least ten times a day… and this mamma is pooped!   Christmas was so perfect this year.  Kaelyn has finally taken to opening presents so she was in heaven.  It did take her awhile to move past her Big Red Car and actually open the gifts.  I kept trying to shove them on her… “ ooh, look at this pretty present Kaelyn… what could it be?”  but n