Merry Christmas! (A bit belated)

 Life has thrown us a few curveballs these past weeks so dealing with these and a baby who has exited the always sleeping stage and moved to the never sleeping stage have kept me busy.  Luckily my little Lana bug has napped like a champ today and I am hoping the previous days of taking 30 minutes to get her to sleep for her to only sleep 30 minutes are over.  On top of the sleep issues, Kaelyn has become very jealous of her little sissy and super clingy to momma.  Add in the awesomeness of our three story apartment (Lana sleeps on third floor, Kaelyn on the second, and living room on first) and me going up and down the stairs literally at least ten times a day… and this mamma is pooped!

 Christmas was so perfect this year.  Kaelyn has finally taken to opening presents so she was in heaven.  It did take her awhile to move past her Big Red Car and actually open the gifts.  I kept trying to shove them on her… “ ooh, look at this pretty present Kaelyn… what could it be?”  but nope, she wouldn’t get out of the car.  Lana must have had 5 different Christmas outfits thanks to Nonnie.  She looked adorable in each and every one of them.  

Opening our Christmas Eve Surprise Box

Swinging and eating pickles
Checking our daddy's new IPad
Thanks for the horse Poppy and CeeCee!
Can you find the real baby in this picture?
 As mentioned previously, Kaelyn is definitely going through some adjustments as she learns to share Mommy and Daddy with her new sister.  At the same time she is also stepping quite nicely into her big sister role.  When we go retrieve Lana from a nap and she is crying or fussy, Kaelyn runs right up to her and grabs her hand to comfort her.  She even let Lana borrow her baby and Sally, which anyone who knows my little KK knows this is huge. 

We went and got Sissy her very own Sally… though it took some convincing to get her to hand it over!

I find it so hard to believe that Lana is already 2 ½ months!  Seriously… didn’t we just have her yesterday?  She is such a mellow and chill baby… just hangs with her sissy and I… whether it be folding laundry, walking the dog, or hanging at the park.  She pretty  much just goes with the flow.  She smiles all the time and it really is the cutest thing ever.  And when she is in the mood she will have a full on conversation with you.  A baby genius I tell you… she must get it from her sister. 

And as always… some favorite photos from the month.

Can you say National Champions?!?

Hanging with the boyfriend

New favorite pastime… frozen yogurt


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