My Giggling Girl

Guess who made her first giggle this weekend?  It was so stinkin' cute!  I was buckling her up to get ready to get KK some new shoes (remember… Crocs with Socks?)  and was making sounds as all mommy's do to keep their baby's happy and she giggled at me. She hasn't done it again but I can't wait for her to… it made my day!  

We were house hunting this weekend and the little giggle monster was definitely giving us her opinion. She is quite the talker… we are going to have to watch her cell phone use when she gets older!  It's the sweetest thing… when I lay her down for bed she will go on for about five minutes just chatting it up to Sammy (Sally the Seahorse's brother) and then close her eyes and go to sleep!

In more depressing news… we said good-bye to Chloe the fish today.  Returning from our trip we found her bobbing along the bottom of her tank.  I thought fish floated when they died… guess I was wrong.  Kaelyn didn't seem to notice… not that she would have cared… she pretty much lost interest day one and it became Mommy's fish.  Either way… Rest In Peace Chloe!!

Admiring the fountain in her new shoes!!

Cartoon Watching at 6 AM!!!! (Representing Christmas and Easter in Mid-January!!)

Like father, like daughter

Checking out the new stomping grounds


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