Tummy Troubles and Sleep Strikes

We have been fighting one serious stomach virus here in the Carlisle household.   Kaelyn woke up one night crying… which I didn't think anything of these days (more on that later) but when I went to check on her she had gotten sick.  Once I had her nice and clean and snuggled into new sheets she started crying again and proceed to get sick all over her clean new jammies, sheets, and me.  Good times!  She was A-Ok the next day and  I figured she must have ate something that didn't settle.  That was until the following night when I woke to a nasty stomach ache.  I won't go into details but I can say you don't know what it's like being sick until you are sick and in charge of two young children!  Thankfully it was only a twenty-four hour bug and now that Braxton was blessed with it as well I think it has exited our home… fingers crossed as I can't imagine my sweet little almost three month old fighting something like that!

On top of that nasty bug, my girls have gone on some sort of sleep strike.  For Lana I think it's pretty normal, I remember Kaelyn having her issues.  She just won't nap for longer than 45 minutes.  It's driving me crazy!  I can put her down awake and most of the time she will put herself to sleep which is pretty awesome, but then at 30 or 45 minutes almost on the dot she wakes up.  It's so frustrating!  And the icing on that cake is now my perfect sleeper Kaelyn is going through something serious.  I pride myself on what a great sleeper she is.  We have our nightly routine which she knows to the tee… bath, books, prayers, teeth, and then night night.  We tuck her in, say good-night, leave,  and she talks to her baby and Sally for about ten minutes and then is out.  Well for the past few nights she will wake up… whether it be twenty minutes after we left, at 2 in the morning, or 5 in the morning and instead of letting me rock her for a few minutes and put her back down, she clings to me for dear life and screams and will not get back in her crib.  I don't know what's going on but I am over it!  My severe lack of sleep is starting to take it's toll on this tired mommy!!  I'm praying it's a phase that she will grow out of like now!!

One of the two books we read Every.Single.Night… it's called "Into the Woods" and has pictures of us and KK is the main character.  

The other book we read Every.Single. Night… it's not even a story!  But little lady insists!!

Our prayer basket

Sleeping in our bed because she refused her own… this only happened once as it turns out she is a total bed hog.

I need sleep!!

This week is Braxton's last week at FPL… he begins Harris on Monday.  If the stars align, which we are really hoping and praying they do, we will have a home the end of February!  I absolutely CANNOT wait!  I love the house and love the location!  We are a block or two from the beach… I am so, so, so, excited!! Just a few more hoops to jump through and the house will be ours!

Sticker Shoes

Reading to Sissy

She holds her hand every time we are in the car… the best big sister ever!!

Girls knows her colors!

I apologize to those of you who are suffering from the freezing cold temperatures… we were a little warm in our pants today!!


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