Temporary Housing

Check out Lana's new room!  What's that you ask?  Is that a closet?  Why yes, yes it is.  We have moved my little girl into my closet.  Now before you turn me in for child neglect hear me out.  There is an air vent and a window.  It's a fancy closet!  She has become pretty sensitive to noise and was waking at night when Braxton and I went to bed.  So into the closet she went… it's pretty cozy in there.

And no worries… she will be out of that closet and in her own room in less than 60 days!!  No, our house that was supposed to be started I think a year ago is not finished… it's still not started…. don't even get me going with that one.  But I truly believe everything happens for a reason and we are getting out of our contract on that home because Braxton has accepted an offer to work at Harris in Melbourne.  So as of early March we will no longer be residents of Jupiter.  It's bittersweet for us… we love Jupiter and love our friends here, but have made a decision that we believe is best for our family.  We are really excited to be moving… Braxton can't wait to get up there as it's a prime surfing spot and we are trying to find a home that is beachside.

As we hunt for a home, Braxton will be commuting from Jupiter to Melbourne every day, which is about an hour and a half drive one way.  It will be hard on all of us for a few weeks but well worth it in the long run.

In the meantime, we are cooped up inside because Baby, it's cold outside!  (That's for you Tara)  At least cold for us South Florida folks.  Kaelyn had to wear socks with her Crocs this morning because she doesn't have any warm weather shoes.  But hey… that gives us a reason to go shopping this weekend.  

Now I'm off to go get my baby who is fussing in her closet.  Hey… it's cozy!


  1. Love your Blog Kristen! It always makes me smile!



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