
 It's been so yucky and dreary outside these past couple days.  We have literally not left the house which is highly unusual for us but it is no fun dragging two little pip-squeaks out in the rain if you don't have to.  But man… going a little stir crazy up in here!  It's given me time to try to schedule out Little Miss Cat Napper…. fingers crossed it may actually be working!  She took a two and half hour nap yesterday!  And doing great today too… let's hope it was just a phase that she has no plans on returning to!  Her and her sister must have been conspiring because KK has also seemed to leave her night wakings behind for the moment… again, fingers all crossed and tangled!!

So probably just as I had finished hitting publish on my last post about how excited I was for our new home… we got some not so great news.  I still believe everything will work out (crossing those fingers throughout this post!)  but whoever said buying a house was easy (somebody has said that right?) was most definitely mistaken!

Kaelyn loves her some Wiggles!  Everyday at 4:45 she… "wiggle, wiggle,wiggle"  and dances and sings with her favorite show and music group!  I would venture to say that I know more of their stuff then anything that is popular in music these days.  Nonnie sent her an Anthony Wiggle doll for Valentine's Day.  She loves him!  In the morning she will "wiggle, wiggle, wiggle" to the iPad so she can watch them on YouTube.   After some crazy finger swiping and tapping she sometimes winds up on this one random page that has some totally random videos.  Sometimes I will find her watching some rap video… apparently need to censor a little better huh?  Anyways… the point of this story is there is a video from Bruno Mars on there.. and she is absolutely terrified of it.  She will happily be singing along with the Wiggles one minute and screaming and crying and holding on to me for dear life the next.  It's hilarious!!

The monkeys are pretty darn scary!

I'm still a good mommy if I take pics of her when she's terrified… right?

Ah… back to Wiggles… and everything is right with the world again!

We need to work on that thumb… when I pull it out of her mouth she gives me this look… man, if looks could kill!!
Look who can rock a ponytail!!


  1. I don't blame you Kaelyn, those monkeys are creepy! Lana is getting so big, pretty soon she won't be a baby anymore! Sweetest two little girls ever! I love you, Grandma


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