Daddy Day

I have tried to sit down about three times today to bang this post out… and have gotten distracted everytime.  I shouldn’t phrase it that way…. this is a dedication to my  baby daddy and he deserves a well thought out speech but I have a baby screaming at me… in the cutest, happiest manner possible and have also been awake since 4:30 am with this little cutie pie so I am gonna do my best.

But first things first… a very happy Father’s Day to my own father.  I have many fond memories of my childhood that involve my old man and am lucky that now my girls get to make their own memories with their Grandpa.  We love you!

We were also lucky to have Poppy and CeCe visit last weekend.  The girls had so much fun as did we.  I think someone needs to get a beach house in Indian Harbour… hint, hint, hint!

Now back to that man who I am lucky to call the father of my children.  We have been busy today… brunch, beach, and playing with the little ladies… followed by quite the delicious dinner if I do say so myself.  It’s been an incredible journey so far… he is one amazing daddy.  Kaelyn can't wait for him to get home in the evenings… she runs towards the door… "daddy home" she says.  Then daddy does the Dirty Dancing scene with her… where Johnny lifts Baby into the air.  Possibly the cutest thing on the whole planet.  Lana loves her daddy something fierce.  She literally just watches him move around the room and smiles her cutest smile at him.   I couldn't ask for more… my girls and I are some lucky ladies!

I started this post at five… it is now 8:30.  Time to make some Nutella Strawberry Milkshakes for that wonderful hubby of mine and attempt to stay awake for Game of Thrones… thank goodness for DVR!!

Some pictures that Poppy and CeCe took… makes me want a new camera REALLY bad!  (hint, hint, hint hubby!)


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