
Kaelyn is chatting it up these days.   Most of what she says is understandable, some of what she says is not. The clearest word of her vocabulary, and I am pretty sure her favorite, is “No.”  It must fly out of her mouth a hundred times a day.  Kaelyn, do you want toast for breakfast… “No.”  Kaleyn, lets go get dressed… “No.”  It’s time for a bath… “No.”  Naptime.. “No.”  You get the picture.  Clearly we are part to blame as she had to learn it somewhere.  Now the challenge is how the heck to get her to stop.  I’m making a huge effort to phrase things differently when I do not want her to do something… trying to avoid “No” as much as possible.  Luckily the teacher in me is good at putting a spin on things so hopefully we can at least cut the use of "no" in half.

Some of her new vocab/understandings can drive a mamma crazy… as mentioned above… but then there is the “puhhhlease,” “thank you,” “welcome,” and the best… “I love you.”  Makes the “no” totally worth it.

Our little Lana lovebug continues to be the happiest baby on the block (Harvery Karp anyone?).  She is now rolling around the room to get to whatever it is she wants… typically something she shouldn’t have… sister’s cereal, Ziggy’s tail, a spoon, etc.  She also is slowly starting the scoot… crawling may not be to far off the horizon.  Though one of the many things I learned through my Kaelyn is that there is no rush and she will hit all those milestones when she is good and ready. 

 Nonnie, Aunt Kelly, Riley, Ethan, and Riley’s friend Brooke paid us a visit a few weekends ago.  We spent a lot of our weekend at the beach and Brax was able to get the kids up on waves… pretty exciting.  Can’t wait till that is our KK and Lana. 

KK at the big kids table

The sisterly bond continues… beyond spoiled that I get to spend my days with these two!

I break out my camera and immediately the thumb goes in… I swear she doesn't walk around all day with it in there!!
Just catching up on the latest issue of Better Homes and Gardens

Surprise, surprise, we visited the beach this past weekend as well.  Our friend Reeves was visiting and he and Brax turned my little Kaelyn into a mermaid.. or maybe a manatee?  Either way… super adorable.

Lana passed on being buried in the sand and opted for the shade.  No face planting this time.


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